Whisky Tasting Wheel

Embarking on the journey of a Whisky Centurion is a thrilling journey into the diverse world of whiskies. As you navigate this exploration of flavours, it becomes clear that having a guide to articulate these nuanced taste experiences is essential.

In the early stages of your whisky exploration, it's natural to draw comparisons between different whiskies, associating them with familiar flavours or recalling distinct elements from regions or distilleries. As your palate matures and your whisky repertoire expands you may even make personal associations, one whisky may remind you of the smell of making lemonade as a child, another of your grandfather's workshop.

As you taste, and want to describe, more whiskies these personal memories don't mean the same thing to others - how do you describe these complex flavours in a way that resonates universally?

Enter the Whisky Tasting Wheel; in 1978 the Pentlands Scotch Whisky Research, now know as the the Scotch Whisky Research Institute, created the first tasting wheel aimed at the distilling industry as a way of grouping and describing the types of flavours found in different distillers and expressions.

In the early 1990s the legendary whisky writer, Charlie MacLean, created a simplified version making it more accessible to every whisky enthusiast. This was published in Whisky Magazine and is the basis for most tasting wheels used today, including this one.

Charlie Maclean also created the colour chart, mentioned in a previous article, that serves a similar purpose to describe the colours of whisky.


Decoding the Wheel

The Whisky Tasting Wheel is more than just a graphic; it's a shared language for the diverse aromas and flavours shaped by every step of the whisky production journey. Divided into eight sections, the wheel captures the essence of flavours influenced by both the fermentation and distillation processes and those that emerge during the maturation phase.

  1. Fermentation and Distillation Sections: These six sections unravel the flavors influenced by the alchemy of fermentation and distillation. From fruity and floral to smoky and spicy, each category encapsulates the myriad possibilities inherent in the early stages of whisky creation.

  2. Aging Process Sections: The final two sections delve into the transformative impact of the aging process. Here, the whisky absorbs nuances from the type of casks used and the length of maturation, yielding flavours that range from oaky and nutty to winey and malty.

Unlocking Patterns in Every Pour

As you engage with the Whisky Tasting Wheel, a new world of vocabulary unfolds. It provides a shared lexicon for enthusiasts to articulate the diverse experiences offered by whiskies. While any whisky may showcase flavours from different sections of the wheel, regular use of the Wheel will reveal patterns that distinguish your favourite pours from the rest.

So, fellow Whisky Centurions, let the Whisky Tasting Wheel be your guide on this expedition through the flavours of the amber elixir. Explore, savour, and share your unique whisky journey, one distinct note at a time.


Ardbeg 10 Year Old


Cragganmore 12 Year Old