guide Chris White guide Chris White

Decoding Whisky Value: Scoring the Best Value Bottles

Over the last few months I’ve sampled and reviewed nearly thirty whiskies on this site in my ongoing journey to become a Whisky Centurion. The whiskies I've tried range in price from around £27 to over £70, sparking my curiosity about value for money in a bottle of whisky. Value is highly subjective—what one person sees as valuable may differ entirely from another’s perspective. Sometimes, a cheap, easy whisky suffices, even if it means compromising on quality. Other times, splurging on a more expensive bottle can be gratifying, even if the extra cost doesn't equate to a proportionate increase in value. But it made me wonder, is there a way to quantify this and will it help?…

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reviews Chris White reviews Chris White

Auchentoshan American Oak

With a slight sense of trepidation tinged with a little nostalgia, I uncorked this bottle of Auchentoshan's American Oak whisky — a spirit that had been a steadfast companion during my early forays into the world of whisky. In those days, it was the epitome of convenience and affordability, readily available when options were limited (especially given my budget!). Returning to it now, after many years, I couldn't help but wonder if it would still hold the same allure as it once did.

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