guide Chris White guide Chris White

Decoding Whisky Value: Scoring the Best Value Bottles

Over the last few months I’ve sampled and reviewed nearly thirty whiskies on this site in my ongoing journey to become a Whisky Centurion. The whiskies I've tried range in price from around £27 to over £70, sparking my curiosity about value for money in a bottle of whisky. Value is highly subjective—what one person sees as valuable may differ entirely from another’s perspective. Sometimes, a cheap, easy whisky suffices, even if it means compromising on quality. Other times, splurging on a more expensive bottle can be gratifying, even if the extra cost doesn't equate to a proportionate increase in value. But it made me wonder, is there a way to quantify this and will it help?…

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reviews Chris White reviews Chris White

Macallan 12 Year Old (Double Cask)

Macallan is renowned for its commitment to craftsmanship, quality and the luxury market, has created a whisky delivering a tasting experience that reflects the brand’s commitment to its values. While Macallan whiskies are often hailed as icons in the Scottish whisky industry, I find myself grappling with a sense of conflict. For me whisky is raw, sturdy and accessible, qualities that seem somewhat absent in this particular dram…

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